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Fine Arts Department


 “The arts are an essential element of education, just like reading, writing and, dance, painting and theater are all keys that unlock profound human understanding and accomplishment.”

 William Bennet, Former US Secretary of Education
David W. Carter High School's Award Winning Fine Arts Department

David W. Carter Fine Arts Gallery

piano class
Study piano at David W. Carter High School
Visual Arts Class
Learn how to make sculptures at David W. Carter High School
Choir Class
Study vocal music at David W. Carter High School
Dance Class
Study Dance at David W. Carter High School
Band - CC Marching Machine
Learn instrumental music at David W. Carter High School
Theatre Arts Class
Join one of our fabulous plays at David W. Carter High School
Visual Arts - Studio Art
Explore the world of art at David W. Carter High School
Student Artwork - Studio Art
Express yourself in the art studio at David W. Carter High School
Guitar - Instrumental music
Express your culture through music at David W. Carter High School
Band - CC Marching Machine - Drum major bw
Be the Best you can be while playing instrumental music at David W. Carter High School
Value Studies - Studio art
Art is everything at David W. Carter High School
Dance Company Master Class
Dance with the masters at David W. Carter High School
Precision in Dance
Develop your dance techniques at David W. Carter High School
Sculpture and Design in Art
If you can imagine it, you can learn to create it in the art studios at David W. Carter High School
Battle of the High School Bands -CC Marching Machine
Compete and perform in style at David W. Carter High School
CC Marching Machine- Parade Banner
Learn to march for parades in the band at David W. Carter High School
Art Competitions and exhibits
Win big with your art expressions at David W. Carter High School
Art Smart in the studio
Develop your critical thinking skills in the art classes at David W. Carter High School
There are no resources or collections to display
David W. Carter High School's Award Winning Fine Arts Department

David W. Carter Fine Arts Gallery

piano class
Study piano at David W. Carter High School
Visual Arts Class
Learn how to make sculptures at David W. Carter High School
Choir Class
Study vocal music at David W. Carter High School
Dance Class
Study Dance at David W. Carter High School
Band - CC Marching Machine
Learn instrumental music at David W. Carter High School
Theatre Arts Class
Join one of our fabulous plays at David W. Carter High School
Visual Arts - Studio Art
Explore the world of art at David W. Carter High School
Student Artwork - Studio Art
Express yourself in the art studio at David W. Carter High School
Guitar - Instrumental music
Express your culture through music at David W. Carter High School
Band - CC Marching Machine - Drum major bw
Be the Best you can be while playing instrumental music at David W. Carter High School
Value Studies - Studio art
Art is everything at David W. Carter High School
Dance Company Master Class
Dance with the masters at David W. Carter High School
Precision in Dance
Develop your dance techniques at David W. Carter High School
Sculpture and Design in Art
If you can imagine it, you can learn to create it in the art studios at David W. Carter High School
Battle of the High School Bands -CC Marching Machine
Compete and perform in style at David W. Carter High School
CC Marching Machine- Parade Banner
Learn to march for parades in the band at David W. Carter High School
Art Competitions and exhibits
Win big with your art expressions at David W. Carter High School
Art Smart in the studio
Develop your critical thinking skills in the art classes at David W. Carter High School